NS Design is delighted to announce the arrival of the new NS WAVElectric Cello, the designed by Ned Steinberger. Both versions, the WAV44-string and WAV5 5-string, are priced to make acquisition of an NS easier thanever for the cellist ready to explore the world of electrics. Compactand light (4 pounds), the WAV cello is a pleasure to travel with, but in termsof features and performance, this instrument is no lightweight. The WAV sharesmany of the core features of our higher end NS models, including theexceptional tone capabilities of the Polar Pickup System, the ergonomic bodyconfiguration, the refined fingerboard design, and a set of highly versatileperformance support options.
The tonequality and dynamic range of the WAV cello owes much to the NS Design'sbattery-free passive Polar™ Pickup System, which fully delivers the rich soundspectrum of the strings. While the WAV beautifully captures the essence of anacoustic, this is a pure electric which offers the cellist significantadvantages when it comes to amplified performance. These include freedom fromfeedback (which often hampers amplified acoustics), the elimination of wolftones, effortless access to the full range of the fingerboard, and unparalleledfreedom of movement on stage. Moreover, since 100% of the sound comes via thepickup, using looping and other electronic effects in live performance is mucheasier and far more effective than with an amplified acoustic, where much ofthe unprocessed sound "leaks" out to the audience.
Next to the side-mounted volume andtone controls is a switch to toggle between the pickup system's arco andpizzicato mode. This is a feature which expands a player's sound pallet: usethe arco mode for a traditional acoustic response for bowing and for apercussive plucked sound, or switch to the pizzicato mode for uniquely even andsustained plucked sound.
The WAV's strong, solid body and thecarefully graduated fingerboard contribute to the rich, full tone that ringstrue for every note. The special asymmetrical fingerboard relief, a hallmark ofall NS bowed electrics, provides extraordinary ease of playability from thelowest to the highest positions. To suit individual player preferences, thestring heights can be modified via remarkably simple bridge height adjustment,and the fingerboard relief can be modified using the readily accessible trussrod.
The fully adjustable tripod standwhich is standard with the WAV cello can be used seated or standing. Theoptional Cello End Pin Stand provides the seated cellist familiar points ofthigh contact and position. The optional Boomerang™ Strap System and The FrameStrap System allow the cellist to stand up with full mobility for a newexperience of freedom and expression.
Please check models, specs and pictures in our cello section: http://www.e-violins.com/en/category/3-e-cello.aspx
Availabe from June 2017 !!!